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Home » Forum » General Discussions » What would be so wrong if this was the Jesus Family Tomb
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Name: deeu  •  Title: What would be so wrong if this was the Jesus Family Tomb  •  Date posted: 10/07/07 0:26
Q: Everything has a starting point. The putting together of the pieces in this fasion is a starting point! So much impatience in this world, wanting all the DNA proof NOW...for example.

The pieces of the puzzle are starting to form a picture, there are many pieces left to assemble.

What would be so wrong if this tomb was the family tomb of Jesus?

The suggestions that his physical body may not have risen..does not affect me at all or disturb my love and faith in HIM. His spirit has risen. Just as ours will upon our deaths. If our bodies are to rise in the end days...maybe that will be when Jesus' body will rise too!

The suggestion that he lived a good Jewish life with a wife and child(ren) does not make my love and faith waiver one bit. He had a human body, human needs, human wants...human weakness', how he faced these tests & temptations is what is important.

The thought that Jesus may not be Mary's only biological child, the thought that Jesus had blood brothers and sisters, does not affect my belief in the "Virgin Mary". Does this mean she had to remain a virgin? I'm sure she respected her husband and lived a sexual married life after the birh of Jesus? If she did...good for her! If Joseph had children from a previous marriage, then Jesus had step brothers/sisters...good for them! Life happens...

All finds have to start somewhere...they are proven true or proven false. This scene has yet to be tested further. And I'm sure someone will take up this task and I hope it is Simcha. Simcha can forward his finds to us...and we can accept it or not accept it. He is not force feeding us. We are not prisoners. He can give us his take on the finding and we can take what we want and leave the rest....

What a glorious find this would be should it be the actual Jesus family tomb. If it is proven not to be the actual tomb, at least we have were given the pleasure of knowing what a tomb from that century looked like...we still learned something. Every great discovery comes from a "go getter" like Simcha.

Would you rather he just hung his head and shoulers and limped away because a few of the visitors to this site called him silly names and rejected his take on this tomb? Or are you like me, just happy that someone can pick up the gontlet and fight the good fight...on behalf of those of us who can't fly away and dig up the truths ourselves.

We all must keep our eyes/ears/hearts open. If we are not open...we might just miss out on something truly special.

Thanks for the taking us to the starting line Simcha! 
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Name: Panluna  •  Date: 10/08/07 15:42
A: Deeu,
I agree with you in regards to the affect the tomb finding has on some people.And as far as I'm concerned this IS the Jesus family tomb.It's been proven beyond a shadow of the doubt.But the debate goes on..... 
Name: deeu  •  Date: 10/08/07 20:11
A: Hi Panluna,

In my heart of hearts, I would be so very happy to have this tomb "recognized" formerly, legally, etc. The facts that are reported in this documentary lead me to believe this may very well be the actual tomb. This just astonishes me! Can't wait for the next chaper! 
Name: Dawn  •  Date: 11/15/07 17:44
A: This is an exciting time to be a Christian. The possible tomb of his family is unearthed! The Gospels cast aside by the minions of Constantine (who was a pagan until baptized on his deathbed) are now widely available so that we can read them and make up our own minds!

These are good things. It's a time when we can look at the dogmas that pervade the faith and get to the truth, the real historical truth. If a person's faith rests entirely on whether Jesus' physical body ascended entirely into heaven, what a shame. If the possibility that Jesus had a wife and children sends a person into apoplectic fits of anger, what a sad thing.

Why can't some people just open up to the possibility that it's time to shed a little useless dogma that simply does not matter? Maybe this tomb is a coincidence or maybe it's the family tomb of Jesus. The evidence is compelling, convincing. If it is the family tomb of Jesus, isn't it wonderful to know more about one of the, if not the, most historically important figure to have lived?

It's just too big of a possibility for small minds. 
Name: Anchorite  •  Date: 02/02/08 2:01
A: Nothing 

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