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Home » Forum » General Discussions » ANYONE ! (BUDDHISM VIEW)
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Name: vvk  •  Title: ANYONE ! (BUDDHISM VIEW)  •  Date posted: 03/20/07 5:44
Q: ANYONE can go to HEAVEN

What do we mean by ANYONE? Doesn't Buddhism say that only Buddhists are rewarded in the afterlife?

According to Buddhism, where we go to after this life does not depend on our religion. In fact, there is no requirement to pray to, worship, or even believe in the Buddha to have a good afterlife.

What happens to us after this life depends on how we
conduct ourselves in this present life.

The path to Heaven is not by faith or worship,
but by doing good and avoiding evil.

The Buddha never said anything like ‘worship me and you shall be rewarded’. He also never threatened to punish anyone should they not believe in Him or follow His religion.

He said that there is nothing wrong in doubting or even questioning Him, as most people will take some time to fully understand His Teachings.

He stressed that everyone should seek, understand and experience the Truth for themselves, and not to have blind faith in anyone or anything.

Thus Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Taoists, and even atheists, are all able to enjoy a blessed afterlife. But of course provided, that they have been 'good' people! 
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Name: jean  •  Date: 03/20/07 18:40
A: Good or bad, God loves and forgives all. 
Name: Perceptions  •  Date: 03/21/07 1:52
A: I appreciate it.

If SCIENTIFICALLY this world is running through ta principle of JUSTICE and BALANCE.
Then there must be a PRINCIPLE for spirtual and ethical perspective.

If a MASTER INTELLECT is behind these RULES & REGULATIONS of the material world, then there is the SAME MASTER, behind the spirtual and ethical world.

Afterall , we are all the SAME KIND OF HUMANS!!!!!!!

Name: Perceptions  •  Date: 03/22/07 0:16
A: What does Buddhism say about AFTERLIFE??? 
Name: revelation616  •  Date: 03/27/07 23:05
A: I am a revelationist. I see behind the veil of Mystery. You are interpreting the Scriptures invertly like all fundamentalist views have done in the past. Revelations is experiential what it reveals is Quantum Mind. It is similar to the buddhist concept of 'no mind' aka the sixth sense. However all christs are required to atone. Atonement as commanded by the Source (God/Goddess) is to cleave and become one in flesh as in the Old Testament. All Sons of Man must atone to the Source. Heaven comes to earth. This earth is the cradle of our Source energy. Don't fear going to heaven. Heaven is here for you, it is in you and it is outside of you. All around. You can become the Meek and inherit the earth and recycle via reincarnation or become the Righteous and resurrect back to the divine Source. You have freewill. Make it your choice. Rid yourself of your Karmic debt and join the Quantum experience... 
Name: Anchorite  •  Date: 03/28/07 5:20
A: We're getting there, we're getting there...

The mystery never quits. Our growth cannot be stopped. Heaven is to be at peace with change.

The only way to be at peace with change, is to have faith in one's ability to respond. Which requires freedom from fear. 
Name: Eagle  •  Date: 03/28/07 5:50
A: I think the big issue is: What is good? Who decides that? Is good being a virgin until you marry, never stealing anything, never telling a lie? Or can you be a thief and a lier, but still be "good" because you steal things to give to others? Where are the guidelines? I think that is where religion comes in - to set up a standard that, if we live by it, our civilization has some continuity and people can know what to expect of others. Without that we just make up our own rules and step on each other's toes. 
Name: vvk  •  Date: 03/29/07 4:52
A: The teaching of Buddha is very simple and understand, in terms of clarity and applicability. The Buddha preached of no mystics: There is no God to save you. Only you can save ourself.

All of what he said was derived from his direct experiences through observations and meditations. For example, during the meditation about the life of lotus plants in a muddy swamp, he concluded that living things, especially human beings, possess Bodhi-nature (Bodhi=Brillance). If a lotus plant can emerge from the murky water to reach the dazzling sun and produce its colorful and fragrant flowers, a human being can emerge from his adversity and work hard to reach his potentiality in order to contribute something useful and beautiful to life - regardless if one is a farmer, a worker, or a professional.

Ultimately, the Buddha's Teaching derives from the observable truths that in present day scientists call "laws"; namely the Law of Impermanence, the Law of Cause and Effect, and the Law of Causation.

[edit]Law of Impermanence
Buddha had always reminded his audience that things are impermanent, including life. Everything is forever changing. He insisted that his followers shoud observe and meditate on those in order to recognize them as a first-hand experience.

Let us try some observations. From the human to the material world, there is nothing that does not change. In the human body, cells split, grow and die incessantly. Through the processes, the cells transform an egg and a sperm into a cute baby; a baby into a youthful teenager; a teenager into a loving, beautiful young woman; a young woman into a delicate wife and an adorable mother; and then, all traits of beauty of an energetic life eventually fade away and are replaced by a frail, unpleasant silhouette waiting for disintegration. How pitiful and ephemeral human life is! Even in the United States where the advancement of medicine and technology can prolong life to over a hundred years, people cannot stay strong and free from illness. All elderly people are dying to pass away from their unproductive years. This Law of Impermanence, thus, applies to all beings. No one can escape it. Because it is an eternal truth.

Or take a look at a brand new car. No matter how much care you put into it, after three to five years the car shows signs of wear and tear. Finally, it will be winding into a wreckage.

And look at any relationship. None of them will last forever. As time passes, neighbors move out, friendships disappear, even kinship loosens, not to mention marital loves.

We are suffering because we do not understand the law, nor do we acknowledge it. We wish to stay young forever, avoiding sickness and death. We lament our health when sick, and are terrified when death shows up at our doorstep.

Or we want to be always rich, to experience a comfortable life or satisfaction, to have a wonderful family with a handsome or beautiful spouse and smart children. We are afraid of adversity and of any changes.

Therefore, some of us come to Buddha, unfortunately, not for the truth in his teachings, but because of wrong thoughts that we can pray Buddha for whatever we want. No wonder people become increasingly greedy and miserable, despite the fact that they go to temple very often.

Shoud we understand and recognize the Law of Impermanence, we could change our perspective toward life. We would admit life as it is, no matter what kind of change or adversity we encounter. That is the teaching of Buddha. We would be brave and wise in any circumstance, and more sympathetic to others. Never again would we cry when facing a mishap, an illness, or even death. And that is the appropriate view, from which Zen Master Va.n Ha.nh in the Lý dynasty put into verse, regarding life and human conditions:

The human body, like lightning, appears and departs,
As tree grow in Spring and droop in Fall.
Despite its growth or ruin, we should be not alarmed,
Considered dewdrops on tips of grass as they are all.

However, there are critics who interpret Buddhist viewpoint to be discouraging, or even fatalistic. If things are always changing and human lives are predetermined to suffer and die, why do we bother to maintain a constructive and decent life? Not only does this interpretation misconstrue the Teaching; it represents a shallow thought.

With an earnest observation, it is true that life is forever changing? But facing a truth, one can react either negatively or positively, depending or his or her point of view. The Buddhist teaching, in reality, broadcasts a positive viewpoint. The aforementioned verse has proved it. Life is as short as a ligtning, which appears and departs in a blink, or as trees that grow in the Spring and droop in the Fall. Nothing remain unchanged. Despite many changes, an enlightened would recognize them as they are, considering them as dewdrops on tips of grass.

(A dewdrop is so beautifull, especially under the early morning sun. But it won't last long. And certainly nobody is going to cry when a dewdrop liquefies; because that is the way it is).

Moreover, Prince Shidharta became Buddha only because of his positive outlooks. After witnessing the pain and bitterness of his destitute, sick, and dying people through his rare outing trips, he took a solemn promise to search for a Way capable of erasing all human suffering. In other words, his wished to bring happiness to all human in this painful world.

In order to realize his vows, he bravely renounced his life of luxury and prestige and went into the wilderness for an ascetic life. Later on, after attaining the Way, the Buddha proclaimed that to successfully follow his path, one should arm oneself with some degrees of intelligence, compassion, and courage.

[edit]Law of Cause and Effect
In addition to the Law of Impermanence, Buddha preached the Law of Cause and Effect. Where there is a cause, there will be an effect. The effect may follow the cause immediately or eventually, from previous life to present, and even future life. Of course, a good cause will produce a good effect and a bad cause will give rise to a bad one. In brief, Buddha advised his audience, :"Would you like to know what you were doing in a previous life, see what you have inherited in this life. To predict what you will be receiving in the next life, carefully observe what you are doing now".

Most people, due to lack of knowledge of the Law of the Cause and Effect, believe that their misfortunes were contrived by a Creator. With this common belief, people heavily become dependent of a heavenly deity who control their fates. As a result, people like to pray to all sorts of Gods they can think of to protect them, to bestow on them good fortunes over the bad ones. More often, people willingly admin that they have sinned, and readily succumb themselves to the forgiveness of an imaginary but powerful Creator. In that line of thinking, a human being inherits no dignity and freedom; he is nothing but a puppet of his creator.

To Budhha, that belief is not based on the truth. The truth is that everyone is free to control his or her own life. He is solely responsible for his actions and he is the only one who bears the results. Happiness or misery, success or failure... it all depends on what he had done or has been doing. Good deeds will bring happiness; evil action will breed misery. As an old saying dictated: "He who sows winds, reaps the storm".

Not only does the Law of Cause and Effect govern human actions, it also is universal. An orange tree will produce orange fruit; a lemon tree will provide lemon ones. When dark, heavy clouds gather, one can be sure that rain is going to fall. And a boy is too lazy to do this homework, his parents can be certain that he is going to fail his class.

Just observe any event around us. We will realize that nothing is untouched by the law. By the same token we won't see any interference from Gods. That is why Bodhisattva is always doing only good deeds, and staying away from evil actions. After all, the Bodhisattva understands the law. His life, therefore, is free of god-controlled fears. He is only afraid of himself, of his three poisons (Greed, Hatred, and Delusions) which will inflict evil behaviors on him, he is not afraid of any heavenly deities' curses.

On the contrary, common people make their lives miserable due to their evil actions. They life, they cheat, they fabricate stories, they speak evil, and they even have plans to hurt other for their own gain. In brief, they act under the stipulations of greed, anger, or attachment. Naturally, when a bad seed is sowed, an evil effect will sooner or later be delivered. It is clear that only the doer is responsible for the result of what he has done not a God or a Creatoe. Neither praying, nor blessing can save one from one's own devilish actions.

To prove this viewpoint, one day the Buddha raised questions to a group famous Brahmins who, claiming that they had power to talk to God, regularly held prayer sessions for rich people in return for gold and money. They first question was: "If a man pushes a big chunk of heavy rock down into a well and asks you to pray that it floats, can you do that?". - "No!" replied the Brahmin: "The rock is so heavy, and we cannot pray God for it to float. It has to sink, no matter what".

The next question was: "If a man pour a bucket of oil into a well and asks you to pray that the oil can sink to the bootom, can you do that?". - "No!" came the reply: "Oil is so light; no matter what we do, we cannot make it submerge".

The Buddha, then, concluded: "By the same token, if a person is always doing good deed, his karma will be as light as oil. He does not have to pray for his fate. Conversely, if one only indulges in evil actions, his karma will be as a big chunk of rock and will pull him down to Hell. Any praying to God for him to be saved would be futile".

To emphasize the importance of the Law of Cause and Effect, in his first lecture, the Buddha preached the Four Basic Truth:

The sufferings. [LI]The customs and habits that lead to sufferings. [LI]The cessation of sufferings. [LI]The Way that procures cessation.[/OL] [/UL] By the following his teaching, one can save him or herself without the salvation of any deities. To make himself clearly and logically understood, Buddha explained that human sufferings are derived from causes creact by customs and habits, which are generally devilish, by nature. From generation to generation, from one life to the next these devilish cause are repeated and carried over. As result, he who has created these evil causes has to repay the debts afterwards. In order words, the suffering that humans must endure in number (1) is the [/i?effect] produced by number (2). Now, there is a way to end those suffering. To reach the cessation as effect in number (3), one has to practice the Way as the good cause governed by number (4). The Way, consisting of the Eightfold Path is devised to completely eradicate the three poisons (greed, hatred, and delusion) which, for many lives, seriously infest human behaviors and cause diabolical thoughts and actions. The Eightfold Path includes: Appropriate Views, Appropriate Thoughts, Appropriate Language, Appropriate Actions, Appropriate Livelihood, Appropriate Effort, Correct Mindfulness and Correct Medication. Nowadays, in practicing the Law of Cause and Effect to change our lives for the better, we can proudly declare that Buddhism is not mysticism, but very competitive to the advancement of Science. As a matter of face, the very existence of Science today is based on the Law Of Cause and Effect; which, in the essence, is nothing new to the teaching of Buddha since over 2500 years ago. [edit]Law of Causation
Besides the Laws of Permanence and Cause and Effect, the Buddha also preached the Law of Causation. Through his meditation, Buddha observed that a thing does not exist independently by itself. Every existence is a combination. Without such as a composition, nothing actually exists. To be is to be under the formation of causes and conditions.

Let's try some observations as the Buddha did. Scientists now confirm that the human body is a combination of one hundred trillion cells which create the formation of blood, bones, and inner organs such as the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, intestines... and of outer organs such as eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin, ect... Lacking one or more of these components, a body does not function properly or simply cannot exist.

The Law of Causation shows that in humans, there is no such thing called the "ego" or "self". The concept of "I" or "You", with the underlying idea that "Mine" is always better than "Yours" is a delusion. Actually, if "my" condition is better than "yours", it is only because the karma of previous life is not the same, rather than because my body is better than yours.

In addition, even if the body is make from a perfect junction of cells and organs, it will not last long if there is no proper provision of fresh air, nutritious food, and potable water.

In other words, the Law of Causation also means that: "Things only exist when there are enough causes which come together under favorable conditions; and things will disintegrate when causes or conditions are scattered".

Obviously, to be a human, there are numerous causes and conditions that blend together and create an existence. From the day a mature egg met a healthy sperm and grew in a womb, there are countlees unfavorable causes and conditions that may abolish the chance of being born a healthy human child.

Statistics shows that in the Third World, the percentage of young children who survive their harsh environment after seven years of age is also very low. Apparently, being born in the Third Wold is having less favorable causes and conditions than in the industrialized world.

The Buddha explained that the earnest observations on any events in daily life, one can recognize that nothing happens without numerous causes and conditions involved.

Normally, they appear in innumerable form that result in good or bad occurences, depending on one's karma. When karma is formed and causes and conditions cast on, it is not in anyone's hand to control the event any more; not even Gods.

Scientists today express the same about the Law of Causation. If there is enough Oxygen and Hydrogen in proper proportions and if the condition, if favorable, it will product Water (2H + O = H2O). Othervise, no water exists. This same law applies to all aspects of the human world, including family structures, politics, economics, and social activities. 
Name: vvk  •  Date: 11/26/07 6:29
A: Take a look of these again please. 
Name: Teacher  •  Date: 11/27/07 4:48
A: My question is where is heaven? What is heaven? I'd like people's thoughts. 
Name: Stephen_Richard_Webb  •  Date: 11/27/07 14:43
A: The Divine Mind is like a perfect circle, the circumference of which is nowhere and the center everywhere - even at the center of your mind, how else would the Divine Creator know well what is in your mind and heart - the Divine Creator does not look at humanity through a telescope you know... 
Name: Anchorite  •  Date: 02/02/08 2:08
A: dear vvk, come back when you got a topic. 
Name: vvk  •  Date: 06/18/08 5:54
A: Driving Meditation
Before starting the car,
I know where I am going.
The car and I are one.
If the car goes fast, I go fast.
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/18/08 15:57
A: Eagle
I am with you. Belief systems are guidelines to live by. Some religions if not all have gone beyond simple laws to include cruelty .
People and Nations do need a set of Laws to live by and ones the benefit all not just a few
To me Satan is the dark side of anyone and if you know Mystical things you can move others in a Satanic Way. That gives much creedence to the power of prayer and why it may be important or helpful . Religions have nothing to do with that for you will find the other side just the opposite of what we see with our eyes. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/18/08 16:58
A: What I mean by the other side is the spirit side. There are no books , so you don't have to worry about Holy Books that cause wars. Spirit Walkers know that all to well. 
Name: sam  •  Date: 06/22/08 3:52
A: "so you don't have to worry about Holy Books that cause wars. "

Dear Judith,

There are many holy books around, they are presented as holy by the one who follow them. One book might not be holy for the others.

HOLY, of high moral * or spiritual ** excellence, BELONGING OR DEVOTED TO GOD. [The Oxford dictionary]

The holy books were not written by God, but by man, and what is written by man can be questioned and analyzed word by word
The believers in the holy books, believe that God messengers spoke the words of God, but they did not write the books themselves, other people did.
So, the only thing that left to us, is to put all the books under the scope to find the truth of the holy thing.

Since those who believe in God, believe in HIM as the sole creator of everything [us and the world around us].
I say: If it belong to GOD, then it should holds within its words:

1- True information about "us" and about "our universe" at list , and give us some information about HIM , [Not evrything about HIM and HIS universe, HE is GOD and we are little creatures in His world like the other billions that which He created, and the only difference between us and some other is the advanced brain that work with LOGIC].

2- * HIGH MORAL. If it is holy, then it should bring laws with moral lessons, about the right and wrong, and laws which govern the relations between people, and the relation between people and their creator, God.

3- If anyone belive in God, then he/she must believe in Him as PERFECT, and He knows the truth of and about everything, and never ever give wrong information and never present lies in his words.

4- The main messengers are known, and SOME OF THEIR WORDS came as message from God, also they SPOKE THEIR OWN WORDS TOO. For example:
--- [You shall not murder. ] That is a law from God.
--- [Wherefore she (Sarah) said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.] These words did not come from God. It was written by people, and it shows clearly the hate clearly . words in "Holy Books that cause wars".
Jesus words:
--- [Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.] That is a law from God. "THESE WORDS WILL BRING PEACE, AND THEY ARE HOLY"
--- [And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.] This a story told, not by God but by man. God will not be part in dealing with wine business.

The words of Jesus [His words only] came from God, any others who claim their words are from God are lying.] Paul's words are his and not from God.

In my next post, I will talk about the information in those holy books, which are right and which are wrong, which are holy and which are not.

God bless you. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/22/08 5:09
A: Sam
You do not need a $50.00 book with 1,000 pages to say :

"Thou shalt love thy nieghbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these" That is a law from God. "THESE WORDS WILL BRING PEACE, AND THEY ARE HOLY"

Nor would any one be fighting over the Name of God if every one just said
"Our Father" because "For your Father in Heaven knows who you are", so a name , right or wrong is not needed. 
Name: sam  •  Date: 06/22/08 21:11
A: Hi Judith,

"Nor would any one be fighting over the Name of God if every one just said: "Our Father"


Even the Jews believe in one God, they refuse to accept Jesus teaching!!!, and we all know what happen to Him.

Muhammad broght similar message: "THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD"

The Jews did not accept the message while believing in one God, but they think that THE one God only for the Jews, and of course the Christian who turned Jesus message around to made of Him part of God, they refuse to accept the one God of the Jews or the Muslims, while believing in the Bible which speaks of one God [You shall have no other gods before ME.], and in the Gospels [the one and only God].!!!

If you look at many early posts in this forum, you will see that many claims that "Allah" is no God.
The name of God is the name that revealed by HIS messengers, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. The language which they spoke was ARAMAIC ,or Hebrew, and Jesus mostly spoke Aramaic. They did not speak English, French, etc. and the name "GOD" or "DIEW" are not what they use to name God.

In Aramaic the name is "ALLA" , in the decomentary film of Simcha there is a scene where Jesus is preaching to people and mentioning ALLA as God. Also in the Gospels Jesus said: "ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?"
Since the Arabic language is a branch from the Aramaic, we can see the similarity when the same words are spoken in Arabic; knowing that in Arabic they use the name "ELAH" as Allah too.
"ELAHI, ELAHI, LIMA SIBTANI ?"...My God, My God, wht have You forsaken Me?.

GOD, "Our Father", "Our Creator" only one God, and there is no others, it does not matter what His name is, and the name will not change a thing.
The Muslims believe in HIM as the God for all, and they do believe in all HIS messengers, and it is up to Jews to believe in Jesus God "ELI", and the Christian to believe in Muhammad God , "ALLAH".

RELIGION never stopped from been a business for some and power for others, and they do fight and kill and steal in the name of their religion.

God has nothing to do with their quarrel and fight, they forget God's laws and replace them with teir own laws, and they forget that there will be a day when all be judged.

Let us all pray to our Father, our God, that He might help us to bring peace to this earth.

I WISH, and I do pray, that one day, people wake up and stop been a followers to the many who devide us from, Imam, Rabbi, pope, priest etc., and became a followers to the One and only, our father who teaches us love and want us to live in peace.

God bless you. 
Name: Sassy  •  Date: 06/23/08 8:03
A: Our Father which art in Heaven,
O Father-Mother God, Divine Oneness,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Glory to our own Beloved I AM Presence,
Thy Kingdom come,
O Great Spirit, bring forth the Golden Age,
Thy Will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven,
For the Age of Peace and Brotherhood is
completed, even now, on the Inner Planes,
Give us this day our daily bread,
Supply our needs as they manifest,
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our
For Love is reflected in Love!
Bless us with Clarity, Love and Divine Wisdom,
Father-Mother God, help us to remain in the Temple
of the Absolute, beyond the experience of Man,
For Love is the Kingdom
And Love is the Power,
And Love is the Glory, forever,
For Thou art now, in This Age, manifested
within the Immaculate Perfect Image of every
Man, Woman and Child
Ah Woman,
Ah Child,
All One! 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/23/08 14:27
A: Thank you Sassy
that is Beautiful

I don't feel like fighting over a name . Go pick on some one your own size. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/23/08 19:34
A: Dear Sam
The name of God is the name that revealed by HIS messengers, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. The language which they spoke was ARAMAIC ,or Hebrew, and Jesus mostly spoke Aramaic.

If Abraham (A bhaham ) was Muslim , why did he transfer of goods to Melchizedek is seen to imply that Melchizedek is superior , A king of Salem? 
Name: sam  •  Date: 06/23/08 20:06
A: Dear Judith,

"fighting", NO. I am sorry if you felt that way!!!.
I do have a lot of respect to you and all the friends which I met on this forums. Even I am 70, I am still learning, and I am not perfect [no one is perfect, except God]. We agree, and we dis-agree, but we should not ever fight or hate, because the main purpose of such a forums is to bring people together to exchange soughts and to come to the TRUTH.

What I wrote about the names that people give to God, is no more than explanation and not a fighting , because some short sighted people are devided about it. Even there are many name [Muslims have 99 name for God - the Creator, the Merciful, the Healer.....etc.], and there are many other names for Him all around the world, the truth is there is only ONE GOD, ONE CREATOR, WHO IS IN HEAVEN, THE HOLY SPIRIT, that goes for the believer only, because there are other names out there for gods made from stones or wood and woshiped [the Hindu had hundred of them].

After the many lines which I wrote in my post I did end them with:

"LET US PRAY to our Father, our God, that He might help us to bring PEACE TO THIS EARTH."

Please Judith, can you tell me if that of any kind of fighting or hate?, Do you like to join with me at least in prayer for love and peace.

"I WISH, and I DO PRAY, that one day, people wake up and stop been a followers to the many who devide us from, Imam, Rabbi, pope, priest etc., and BECAME FOLLOWERS TO THE ONE AND ONLY, OUR FATHER WHO TEACHES US LOVE AND WANT US TO LIVE IN PEACE."

Judith, my questions:
- Do you wish, and pray for peace like I do?.
- Do you think that we should follow those many who devided us and bring hate and distruction, or follow the ONE who teaches us love and peace?.

As for me, I do see that we are all equals and of the same size, in the sight of God, but the righteous of us are the one closer to God.

God bless you. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/23/08 23:17
A: Dear Sam

Judith, my questions:
- Do you wish, and pray for peace like I do?.
- Do you think that we should follow those many who divided us and bring hate and destruction, or follow the ONE who teaches us love and peace?.

These are the things I pray for and have for many years. I am not perfect either and guess what else ( I never went to Disney Land and don't want to , Lot's of Laughs) 
Name: sam  •  Date: 06/25/08 0:54
A: Hi Judith,

Your question, If Abraham (A bhaham ) was Muslim , why did he transfer of goods to Melchizedek is seen to imply that Melchizedek is superior , A king of Salem?

--- I the Arabic language, The word MUSLIM came from ISLAM , and Islam came from the word ASLAMA which means SUBMIT .
So, the core of the Islam as a religion is the TOTAL SUBMISSION TO GOD.

Let us see where Abraham fits as a prophet, and if He is a Muslim or Jew:

- The story of Abraham came in “GENESIS” [the first book of the Bible], there was no mention of the name “JEWS” until 2KINGS 16:6 “At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day.”
Note :- Abraham story in the Genesis was written by the Jews, AND MANY YEARS AFTER Abraham TIME, not by Abraham.

-The early history of Judaism is uncertain {UNCERTAIN}, but it is clear that the destruction of the First Temple in 586 bc laid the foundations for the Judaic scriptures. {Abraham time is approximately 1900 to 2000 BC}

- Biblical Jewish History: Modern scholarship has identified significant differences between the religion of Abraham and the patriarchs and the later Israelite religion of Moses. Historians note that the God of Abraham is referred to using generic, not specifically Israelite terms (namely, various forms of El), [EL.. Arabic - ELAH - ALLAH]

- The name JUDAISM , as a religion derived from been the beliefs which was related to a tribe, the Jews, who wrote the OT *, and who think that God is only their God.
Ezra 5:1 “in the name of the God of Israel”

* You should know that, The OLD TESTAMENT [The Bible] was not written in one year or ten or hundred, but in HUNDREDS OF YEARS.
Abraham did not write His story or the story of the creation, and Beside Moses who wrote a small part, there were many other writers, and everyone has his own imagination !!!. {That is why there are a lot of errors and contradictions in the Bible}

From that we can say that Abraham was not a Jew.
Abraham believed in God, and His God is the God of all the universe, not the God of one tribe.

SUBMISSION TO GOD IS ISLAM, and Abraham was in total submission to God, as we can see in the story of accepting the will of God to sacrifice His son, of course you know the story.

Genesis -14:22 "And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth,"

JUDAISM, came from the name of tribes, THE JEWS.
CHRISTIANITY, came from the name of prophet, THE MESSIAH . Jesus is regarded as the Messiah.
ISLAM, It did not come from tribes name, and not from a prophet name, but was given by God to all the believer who submit themselves to GOD only.
Jesus said: "I do not seek my own will, but the wil of HIM [GOD] who sent Me." {That is a submission to GOD}.

Quran- 3:19 “Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah [God] is ISLAM.. And those who were given the SCRIPTURE did not differ except after knowledge had come to them * out of jealous animosity between themselves.”
* That was the story of Jesus before, then Mohammad after. Jealous animosity that was the reason for refusing them and their messages, that is the truth then and the truth now.

Quran-5:3 “This day I have perfected for you your religion ** and completed MY favor upon you and have approved for you ISLAM as religion.”

** The core of the religion is the message, the message is from God, and the message should be written in a book, and we know that there were many books written, and the Quran [a book] came as the last chapter in God messages to complete the book.
And to prove that book is from HIM, God included informations never known to man before about the creation.

Muhammad was the last prophet, and the Quran was the last holy book.
1400 years passed, and there is no other prophet and no other holy book .

God bless you. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/25/08 1:55
A: Hello Sam
I am aware that there was no Jewish person until the Tribe of Judah.
I am also aware that Abraham was not Jewish but Hebrew , or spoke Hebrew. I also knew,that the Jewish people , who were taken in to captivity were influenced by Babylonian and when in captivity to Assyrians, they were influenced by Assyrians.
The O.T. states that Melchiezdek is the " Most High Priest of God" and he is King of Salem, and that is in India.
Again , I don't believe in a name for God, and I have had so many Spiritual experiences , that it just doesn't make sense to me. But thank you for trying. 
Name: sam  •  Date: 06/25/08 16:52
A: Dear Judith,

The O.T. states that Melchiezdek is the ,
" Most High Priest of God" and he is King of Salem"..."God of Israel" ?

O.T states. in Ge-14:18 & Psa-110:4
First, who wrote the story. Second, who made Melchezedek king , and high priest for God ?. Was it God?.

One question , is the O.T. stories bring the truth?

Please go back and read Genesis, from Genesis 16:6 to 21:21 and tell me if the story is true and correct.

God bless you. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/25/08 18:08
A: Dear Sam
This has been discoused before and the Qu'ran was not written until Mohammad and who made him a Prophet? You see , Sam I can use that same argument , but what good will it do.

Sam, Who made my Prophetic Dreams Come True? I don't know your Book.
I am not Jewish. I am not Indian , or Hindu, or Buddhist . Never the less I have had Visions, I have also Had Dreams that came true. I have Stepped out side my Body with two Higher Beings. I have seen my spirit on several occasions. What does that make Me?
I will tell you No one , I am NOT , any better than you, and I am not much different than your Prophets. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 06/25/08 18:55
A: By the way Sam
I prefer to call those two Higher Beings Angels, but each culture has the description they have been taught.
I also Like to call them by what I believe their names are

Michael and Peter 
Name: Panluna  •  Date: 07/08/08 14:11
A: Sassy,
Love the prayer.I think I will memorize it.Thankyou . 
Name: Panluna  •  Date: 07/08/08 14:21
A: Judith,
Ever read a book called ASK YOUR ANGELS by Alma Daniels?
I'm humbled by my experiences but I never knew the name of my angel until recently and it's Maryam.Strange but true.You can be any religion or follow any path including Atheism which is a philosophy and still have Visions and be visited by our friends in the astral-realm.

Religions are human inventions and so are philosophies but the truth is divinely inspired. 
Name: Sassy  •  Date: 07/08/08 21:55
A: Panluna - Glad you like the prayer; just to note, it's known as the 'Gnostic Lord's Prayer', but of course can be used/said by anyone. Though I have posted this elsewhere in cyberland, and I find many Wiccans seem to like it more than anyone else, it seems. Interesting! 
Name: Panluna  •  Date: 07/08/08 22:30
A: Hi Sassy,
I looked this prayer up on-line and found several different versions but NOT this one.I even typed the first two lines.Can you give me the link or source.? I think it is a beautiful prayer and I learned the traditional version as a kid.Thank you for posting it here. 
Name: Judith  •  Date: 07/09/08 5:32
A: Sassy thats is a beautiful prayer, close to the one in my Bible as a model for prayer.
This is the one I taught my children, although none of them want much to do with it now:

God is wise , God is true
patient kind and loving to,
all things I am,
can do and be,
with Christ the truth that
is in me.
Name: Sassy  •  Date: 07/11/08 0:52
A: Panluna - I got that 'Gnostic Lord's Prayer' off a message board I used to go on about 4 or 5 years ago. Unfortunately, I only saved the prayer in a Word file and don't have the author's name, but I do recall that there was a Gnostic priest on this board, and he posted the prayer, noting that he himself had written it. 

Jesus of Nazareth Mary Magdalene: Mariamne Early Christianity
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