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Name: MorDeKhai  •  Title: The Rainbow  •  Date posted: 02/27/07 20:42
Q: They claim to find Jesus' Tomb. They say archaeologists, forensics experts, statisticians, etc. have COME TOGETHER to decipher "one of the greatest mysteries of all time"

sounds more like a circus advertisement to me.

Look at the motives...Follow the money...Do your own research, believe me there are tons of debates, theories, findings...you name it. The truth will reveal itself, no one will have to go digging it up.

I have a Question:
WHY, IF YOU SAY YOU PAY ATTENTION TO CLOSE DETAIL, DO YOU HAVE ON A WEB SITE INTRO PAGE A CLAIM THAT "An incredible archaeological discovery in Israel changes history and shocks the world. Tombs with the names The Virgin Mary, Jesus of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene and Judas, their son, are found and an investigation begins."

"...Tombs with the names The Virgin Mary, Jesus of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene and Judas, their son, are found..."

"Ossuary 80/505 was inscribed “Maria” – a Latinized version of the name “Miriam,” rendered in Hebrew letters. AND Ossuary 80/500: “Mariamene e Mara” – “Mariamne, also called Master”

BUT WAIT THE INTRO PAGE SAID "...The Virgin Mary..."
AND "...Mary Magdalene.." NAMES FOUND


Oh...and if this were a court of law (and since they use legal nomenclature)
CREDIBILITY is something you need. I found a little dent in that armor. I'm sure with your own searching you will find some too.


2Pe 3:2-4
"I want you to remember and understand what the holy prophets said long ago and what our Lord and Savior commanded through your apostles. First, I want to remind you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire. This will be their argument: "Jesus promised to come back, did he? Then where is he? Why, as far back as anyone can remember, everything has remained exactly the same since the world was first created." NLT
2Pe 3:9
"The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent."NLT

Repent! (makers of this film)
For the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

A servant of Jesus Christ
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Name: MorDeKhai  •  Date: 02/27/07 23:53
A: Read For Yourself !

(no hyphens in link)

(1- hypen between "bib" and "arch" and 2 underscores)

(n-o- hyphens in link)
Name: SpiritWoman  •  Date: 02/28/07 12:55
A: A question; Where in the bible did Jesus say he would come back? Where did he say he would bodily/materially ascend to his father? He said "Into thy hands I command my Spirit". Why do so many, read more into the words of the apostles like Paul of Tarsus then in Jesus own words?

One thing he did say many times; My father/G_D is in heaven and his kingdom/Jesus is not of this world, which to me says more than what his apostles can determine as they were always chastised as making very large mistakes by the thier own Master which was Jesus. Now add in all the theologians logic and writings over history who have distorted the truth and we have a huge break in the actual source of Jesus teachings.

As Jesus appeared after death, according to Scripture, he shapeshifted, appearing as a child, as an old man, in his own image, this to me does not sound like anything of material substance but of an spiritual body yes!

Even G_D had a revulsion towards dead bodies or should I say material substance. No where in the Bible does a burial ritual ordered by G_D take place. As a matter of fact G_D commanded the Hebrews not to touch any dead human body.

And Jesus was not around, as we all know, when the Cannonized Gospels were written.

To be a Servant to Jesus, you should ask yourself, do you prophet from the word of the apostles and theologians, or the words of Jesus and the Commandments of G_D?

And how would you determine which ancient document hold most of the truths? As the Cannonized Gospels are most certainly not all that was written of the life and works of Jesus? Nor is the OT christian version complete in it's relation to Torah.

The cannonization took place many years and generations after Jesus death. The gospels that were chosen were written many years and generations after Jesus death.

SO, how do we know the truth? We cannot and will not until we depart from this life.

Name: MorDeKhai  •  Date: 02/28/07 21:14
A: Great Comment SW

-"To be a Servant to Jesus, you should ask yourself, do you prophet from the word of the apostles and theologians, or the words of Jesus and the Commandments of G_D?"

It is written:
"Jhn 7:17 - If anyone's will is to do HIS will, he will know whether the teaching is from God...".

I believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the infallible Word of God, fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, without error in the original manuscripts.

-"Where in the bible did Jesus say he would come back?

Matthew 24:27,30,37,39,42,44
Matthew 25:13,31
Mark 13:35
Luke 17:24,30
John 21:22

even the old testament speaks regarding his 2nd comming
Zachariah 14

there are many others inferences in the scriptures that point to a specific 2 comming of Christ ...

As it is wriiten:
Matthew 7:7-8
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."

A servant of Jesus Christ
Name: SpiritWoman  •  Date: 03/01/07 12:29
A: Greetings MorDeKai,

This is my take on your NT scripture points;

Mathew 24; 27-44. If you read the whole of the chapter, it explains very clearly not to be fooled by the corpse of man ( material flesh) in

vs 28 "Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures willl gather".

Mathew 25; 13,31 warnings to be alert, but nothing saying Jesus would be coming in the flesh. as a matter of fact 31-46 describes the gift of Spirit residing in all LIVING beings.

vs 45; "To the extent that you did not do to the least of these, you did not do it to me".

Mark 13;

The whole chapter explains the destruction of the temple (material wealth of the Hebrew preists) and the judgement of their faith in worldly possessions. This is why Jesus was crucfied, for his rebuking the whole of material wealth, they were worshipping stone in the form of buildings, monuments, bones, flesh, instead of the Spirit which was alive in every human being. We all know that the worse sins today is Money, which causes one to be of more worth than another gives power to a few but does not make equal all who are gifted with the spirit of life.
So the ones who could not afford to worship even though they were cast out were worth more in the eyes of G_D than those who did the sacreficing or could afford the price.

Luke 17

The whole chapter again reveals the Flesh being left for the vultures while the Spirit is taken. Why do you think that Jesus is speaking of 2 of the same (2 men, 2 woman) in each example?

Vs 37 "Where the body is, there also will the vultures be gathered."

John 21; 22.

I have questions as to the authenticity of the author of this book being acclaimed to John. It is my favorite of all the gospels and unlike the other three. It could be because I am a woman that I feel that this gospel has attributes befitting of an author of the same ego, same flesh. But who's to know. As the sands of time erases many truths.

So my whole point in writing the first post is this;

Jesus never said he would return in the flesh. So if these folks find his bones and the bones of his family then, in my opinion Praise Be! It is proof that He existed His life was true, and He gave of himself what WE percieve is the most precious gift. His Life. For all of Our sakes to awaken us. Even though we detroyed his flesh, He proved that the Spirit was indestructible and could not be destroyed by the hand of man. And IS the most precious gift of all.

Name: SpiritWoman  •  Date: 03/01/07 12:43
A: One more point and I'll rest.

Matthew 7:7-8
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."

When speaking of the second coming as most perceive this to mean at the end times, I will degress as I do not beleive Jesus is locked in the gates of heaven until a time of earthly destruction materially, but is within our midst today. As you point out by the above verse, it but takes an awakening to the Spirit in each and every LIVING thing and the capability to see HIM as an individual, the Spirit of Creator is ALL and is IN ALL, you know that He is here.

Name: osirius608  •  Date: 03/01/07 20:06
A: SpiritWoman, I want you to know that you are not alone in your spiritual knowing...I know you already know this...but I had to let you know that it feels SO GOOD in knowing that some of us DO see the messages, not the opinions 
Name: MorDeKhai  •  Date: 03/02/07 11:33

Thanks for comment.

Matthew 24:28 conveys the image of the carnage that will take place in the judgment at the comming of the Son of Man. Jesus was indirectly anwsering the disciples question.
Like I said, there are many others inferences in the old and new testament that point to a specific second comming of Christ.

A servent of Jesus Christ
Name: SpiritWoman  •  Date: 03/02/07 14:43
A: Greetings MorDeKhai ,

Your ideology of the description of carnage in Mat 24:28 is tempered by the description of the coming of the Son of Man in vs 27

"For just as the lightening comes from the east and flashes to the west, so shall the coming of the Son Of Man".

Have you not seen? Can you not Feel the power of His Glorious Awakening within?

Mathew 24 describes the birth of the "Awakening"/Jesus message and example being spread throughout the land. Jesus describes what is to come, the evolution "Awakening" that will take place and those whom would try to destory it, but would fail. Remember, Jesus said it would take place within the apostles lifetime and He was right. It is not the growth of religion, it is the Awakening in each and every individual that here's His message and beleives. They are Free.

The Christ always existed, as the Creator exists, so do we all, as we are IT and IT is ALL.

The Gift of Life Jesus revealed was not lost and is spread like Lightening, as it did. He warned against material worship of physical presence and to trust in the Spirit of His message/WORD/Spirit/Wisdom.

He proved that His physical body was not the Paradise of Spirit, but the vessel Atoms fall from Grace/Creator.

I have been saddened all my life at the transgressions of those leaders that Jesus so clearly warned against (blindly the mass follow and are bound by Flesh) in this same chapter overwhelming and miscalculating what was revealed by Jesus, and contorted His body into a man made Organization/Institution full of laws, death, destruction, propheteering, so much like the Hebrew temple Jesus attempted to destroy. He proved to all of us what is clearly misguided idolatry and directly pointed out the evil of man's misguided attempt to be G_D. The temple was and is His adversary.

Jesus is the Lightening Sword of truth, He is Here. Awaken to the thunder of the words. No money, no riches, no organized institution can reveal what is the truth. It is within. You are free.

If you are waiting til the end of the world Literally, then Jesus revelation is clearly in Error according to Mat 24 and would He would be made nil as this theology is argued today between Jews, Christians and Muslims. No religious denomination that beleives in the Physicality of an existential G_D can explain this error away when it comes to thier misguided theology of dates and time according to G_D's clock. No one knows the depth of time.

Only those who seek and find the truth can be clearly set free of human dogma and clearly see Creator in everything. As is the Power and Glory of existance.

Name: SpiritWoman  •  Date: 03/02/07 15:07
A: Greetings osirius608,

I would never force my beleifs on others as I have objected all my life these very practices and find them adverse to true transendance.

It's nice to know I'm not alone.

Blessing on your Journey!
Name: lightwoman  •  Date: 03/08/07 1:33
A: SpiritWoman - right on!! :-) My heart and soul - and my spiritual ears - hear you loud and clear.

The Bible - both Old and New Testaments - and other books written in same period including Revelation are rife with metaphor and parables containing spiritual MESSAGES. Hear the message within, not the literal words. Even the Jews of Yeshua's time knew that one did not take all of the scriptures literally - they told stories - even what we call tall tales full of archtypal characters and hyperbole - teaching spiritual principles in metaphor and parables. And early Christians used all kinds of secret words/codes to protect themselves.

Think and feel, sense with your inner spirit BEYOND the literal words, and it might occur that the second coming is a metaphoric allusion to a non-specified time when the consciousness of all humanity is raised to the level Yeshua attained while he walked the Earth: Christ consciousness. Many Christians have expected the end of the world and for Yeshua to return literally, in the flesh, within their lifetimes - and were disappointed when it never came to pass. Why? They took His words literally or read/heard the scriptures literally, failing to grasp the deeper metaphysical meaning hidden beneath the literal words.

The Bible/scriptures is definitely one of best psychological self-help books of all time!! ;-) Armageddon is symbolic of the spiritual battle that takes place between the lower self (ego) and the higher Self (Spirit) within one's own being - victory is when the lower self is crossed out ("crucified" - Yeshua's challenge to pick up one's cross - crucify the lower self) and the Christ enters in and "reigns." The day when all people receive the Spirit of the Christ in their hearts and think, speak and act as Yeshua did - in Christ consciousness where one sees, honors and loves unconditionally the Spirit/Source in all others as brothers/sisters/ONE - that is day when the old Earth will "pass away" - be transformed - and a new era of paradise on Earth will dawn. I believe we all - and the Earth - will then be transformed - perhaps gradually or in the blink of an eye? - into a higher form that is not physical, beyond 3-dimensional, and that is when Yeshua will "return" to us - rather, we will have brought the other-dimensional Kingdom of Heaven fully to the Earth and thus transform it. That's what Yeshua's mission was all about - bringing about the Kindom of Heaven on Earth - or rather realizing it's already here in another dimension! - by waking up one soul at a time to higher Christ consciousness dwelling within here and now - that's what the second coming is to me.

Time to WAKE UP everyone - raise/expand your consciousness. It's not about the physicial or literal interpretations - it's metaphysical and metaphorical for the transformation to occur within each of us. We CAN change the world - but not by trying to change others. We bring/create the New Earth by changing one person at a time from the inside out. Transform yourself by inviting the Christ - which is the pure spiritual Love, Divinity and One-Soul of Humanity! - into your heart and then by example you teach your brothers and sisters how to transform themselves, too. The key to the Kingdom is LOVE, within your own heart, and Yeshua led The Way.

As Yeshua taught us from Psalm 82:6, "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." Yeshua considered us all his brothers and sisters, therefore we should not count ourselves as anything less than what he was/is. We are all One, not separate from G_d as it only appears in this physical realm of earth, but extensions/projections of G_d into flesh. In Heaven - which exists here and now in another form invisible to our human senses! - all are One in Spirit. In our true nature as Spirit, we are all the precious, perfect, glorious sons and daughters of the most High - G_d/Source/Father-Mother/Spirit. Yeshua is our savior because he came to remind us of who we are, to raise our consciousness so that we may claim our rightful place beside him in Heaven!!

Blessings, Light and Love,
(the God-self in me salutes and honors the God-self in you!) 
Name: A.R.  •  Date: 03/15/07 20:43
A: Open is the Rainbow!

Thought within is when the Truth Within is Here!

Those of us have always been WITHIN the TRUTH! 
Name: TheNakedBoneHunter  •  Date: 03/15/07 20:50
A: VERY IMPORTANT - SEE BELOW - email of JOE ZIAS, March 1, 2007 - CAN SOMEONE VERIFY THIS AS BEING THE GENUINE EMAIL FROM JOE ZIAS, if it is, then this is critical news ( Note: I am not the author of the following excerpt , The Naked Bone Hunter )

Time magazine again reports: "Asbury Theological Seminary professor Ben Witherington, a early Christianity expert who was deeply involved with the James Ossuary, says there are physical reasons to believe it couldn't have originated in the Talpiot plot." Following the lead of Time, I did my own detective work and checked out Ben Witherington's blogspot (see, www.benwitherington.blogspot.com).

Witherington claims: "Joe Zias is a fine archaeologist of long standing and good reputation. He is the person who catalogued the ten ossuaries from the Talpiot tomb, and personally catalogued the tenth ossuary. He worked with Amos Kloner as part of the team who made the original discovery. In two emails this morning to someone I have been talking to he made crystal clear that the tenth ossuary was blank, certainly was not the James ossuary at all despite the assertions of those involved in making the (Vision TV) special. These emails have been sent along to me, and I will let them speak for themselves.

Joe Zias [email protected]: Subject: Re: Jesus Tomb Sent: Thursday, March 1, 2007 6:02 AM

"Amos Kloner is right as I received and catalogued the objects, the 10th was plain and I put it out in the courtyard with all the rest of the plain ossuaries as was the standard procedure when one has little storage space available. Nothing was stolen nor missing and they were fully aware of this fact. It just didn't fit in with their agenda." Shalom, Joe.

The filmmakers were fully aware that the tenth ossuary in the so-called "Jesus family tomb" was blank, but it didn't fit in with their agenda. So they deliberately misled viewers with a spurious assertion that this was the James ossuary

Name: gnotcivulf  •  Date: 03/16/07 3:52
A: Oh, TheNakedBoneHunter, I started a thread for you in General Discussions (now in progress). Just doing my part. 

Jesus of Nazareth Mary Magdalene: Mariamne Early Christianity
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